Cumberland River Fishing Report 7-4-17

Smooth casting 14 year old Garris getting it done on the Cumberland last week
Happy Fourth of July! It's that time of year again for cookouts, fields full of lightning bugs at night, water balloon fights, and softball tournaments. I hope each of you are able to celebrate this holiday which commemorates the United States of America adoption of the Declaration of Independence over 240 years ago. Spending it with friends and family make it extra special.
My 2 daughters have been though about 200 sparklers recently, and every citizen in Fayette County has started shooting fireworks tonight before it was even dusk. I love it.
We are at the stage in the summer where flows are regulated and pretty well set by the Corps of Engineers and TVA from day to day during the week and weekend. There is some fluctuation, but not much. It's been gradual ramp up generation from just before lunch until late evening and then gradual ramp down generation and then no generation from midnight until mid morning. This schedule has been consistent for a while now. There are a few things to keep in mind with this schedule. First of all, be ready for skinny water in the mornings. With low, clear water you need to be ready to fish small. If you have foam cicada patterns, now is a great time to use them with a small dropper. Avoid excessive false casting. Get your fly out there and let it work for you. the more time your fly is in the water the better your chances are of hooking into fish.
Don't wait until mid morning comes around and the sun is getting directly overhead to slather on sunscreen and start drinking water. The guy in the jon boat and cut offs I saw last week is probably still hurting from that burn. We've had a long run of really nice relatively cool weather for this time of year, but i'm afraid summer temps are here to stay for a while. Don't let afternoon temperatures get the best of you while you are on the river.
When generation causes a noticeable rise in the river, don't be scared to yank out the streamer rod. Sure, swimming a streamer pattern is work, but the return is well worth it. Getting slammed is a rush like no other.
Nymphs that have been putting them in the net recently have been old standards. Zebra midges, pheasant tails, princes, hares ears, shop vacs, skull and bones and brassies. All have been productive. Streamer patterns that are working are secret.
If you want to get out there and catch some fish, get in touch with me via cell, txt or e-mail. Thanks to everyone for keeping up with Cumberland Bottom Ticklers on the web site and social media. It's been a fun summer so far! Happy Independence Day!

Fish hard!